obr.: Maršovská Rychta

Accommodation in hotel Maršovská rychta

Hotel Maršovská rychta provides accommodation in standardly furnished rooms and apartments. There are 44 beds in 14 rooms and 2 apartments. Rooms are double with option of extra bed and apartments have capacity of 4 with one extra bed available.


Double room with sanitary facility


  • Double room with sanitary facility – 550 Kč/person/night (no breakfast)
  • Extra bed - 300 Kč/person/night
  • Breakfast - 120 Kč/person
  • Surcharge for unoccupied bed - 100 Kč



Two bed apartment + extra 2 beds


  • Shower, bath, kettle, fridge, coffee maker, television, wifi
  • Two bed apartment with kitchen – 1500 Kč/ apartment/night no breakfast (for 1-2 persons)
  • Possibly for a family of three/four - 2000 CZK / 2 adults and 1-2 children
  • Breakfast - 120 Kč/osoba/ks

Accommodation info

  • fees for accommodation an recreational stay are included in room price
  • prices of accommodation and breakfasts are listed including VAT
  • continental breakfasts are served daily from 7:00 to 10:00
  • dogs are allowed to stay for free
  • cot is available for guests for free

Special offers

We are prepared to make special price offer for accommodation and other services for you including special catering for corporate, social and private events (corporate meetings and  a trainings, weddings, graduations, birthdays, and similar)